Aurore Alcolei leaf

University lecturer, IUT Créteil-Vitry (UPEC), LACL laboratory

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Since my ultimate postdoc at EPICURE (INRIA Rennes) with Simon Castellan, I am working on Back to the Trees. Using tools from programming language theory, we investigate how morphologogical data about plants can be formalised in order to provide a convivial tool that automatically generate determination keys that can be adapted to the local flora and the public observing it.

In parallel, I am pursuing research on interactive semantics for proofs and programs, specially using concurrent game models.

In particular, following up on my previous post-doc at the LACL (computer laboratory of the UPEC University), I am collaborating with Luc Pellissier and Alexis Saurin to provide a parallel syntax and interactive semantics for proof search.

Previously I worked at the University of Bologna within the DIAPASoN ERC project directed by Ugo Dal Lago. My topics was on differential program semantics based on game models.

I did my PhD in between the LIP laboratory (Plume team) at ENS of Lyon, and the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Pierre Clairambault, Olivier Laurent and Glynn Winskel. I mostly focused on extensions of concurrent game models based on event structures with metadata annotations, and their application to programming language and logics.

Since 2016 I have been teaching in every place I worked. I also took part in some popularization events.

I was member of the PC of MPC22, GALOP24, and HOPE24.


Email: aurore \dot alcolei \at ens-lyon \dot org
My GPG public key, fingerprint: 480A 2FC0 D184 B2D7 3937 E65E 3326 6677 F97B 5D68.

Reach me:
LACL, Département d’Informatique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologie
61 avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil Cedex