Academic Positions

This academic year and the previous one, I have a "délégation" Inria at the QuaCS team at the Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay/Université Paris-Saclay. Since September 2012, I’m “Maitre de conférence” at Université Paris-Est Créteil (France), my research being assigned to Laboratoire d’Algorithmique, Complexité et Logique (LACL) and my teaching to Faculté des Sciences et Technologies (FST).

Before that I’ve spent a year at Université de Paris-Diderot (½ ATER in LIAFA, now IRIF), four years at Université Paris-Saclay and INRIA Saclay (PhD student with teachings, then ½ ATER at LRI/INRIA). As student, I’ve been “chargé de TD” during my second and third year and a research engineer during a summer at the end of my fourth year.


I mostly work in the field of cellular automata and their generalizations, but I do that using many insights from physics, as reflected by the two main topics of my publications: cellular fields, and global transformations. In cellular fields, one studies systems as collection of interacting fields. In global transformations, one studies the general theory of dynamical systems with dynamic spaces (e.g. morphogenesis, general relativistic physics). More recently, I’m interested in the general theory of enriched state space for global transformations. These enrichment includes non-deterministic states, probabilistic states and quantum states as particular cases. When appriopriate, there might also be quite a bit of category theory to help separate the “the abstract non-sense” from “the real mathematics”, but also as the right generalization of order theory for some geometrical and information theoretic purpose.


Contact (I’m Luidnel Maignan, remember ?)

Office P2-222, 61 av. Général de Gaulle, Créteil, France
Office 70, Bât 650 rue Raimond Castaing, Gif-sur-Yvette, France